Archiv der Kategorie: Latein & Altgriechisch

The Last of the Calabrian Greeks

Aspromonte Region – Calabria, Italy By: John Kazaklis Italian as we know it today was not always spoken throughout Italy. The Italian language did not become the staple language until well into the end of the 19th Century during the process of Italian unification, or the Ri sorgimento. Un

Quelle: The Last of the Calabrian Greeks

A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome, 2 Volume Set


A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome brings a fresh perspective to the study of these disciplines in the ancient world, with 60 chapters examining these topics from a variety of critical and technical perspectives.

Brings a fresh perspective to the study of science, technology, and medicine in the ancient world, with 60 chapters examining these topics from a variety of critical and technical perspectives
Begins coverage in 600 BCE and includes sections on the later Roman Empire and beyond, featuring discussion of the transmission and reception of these ideas into the Renaissance
Investigates key disciplines, concepts, and movements in ancient science, technology, and medicine within the historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts of Greek and Roman society
Organizes its content in two halves: the first focuses on mathematical and natural sciences; the second focuses on cultural applications and interdisciplinary themes
2 Volumes


Susanne Gerth, Theo Wirth
Kompakte Systemgrammatik Latein

Diese Lern- und Nachschlagegrammatik ist systematisch aufgebaut und erklärt die für die Lektüre notwendigen Grammatikphänomene kurz und verständlich. Die Beispielsätze sind einfach gehalten und kommen mit nur wenigen, immer gleichen Basisvokabeln aus. Die Grammatik kann daher sowohl begleitend zum Spracherwerb als auch in der Lektüre eingesetzt werden.

ISBN: 978-3-525-71125-5

Quelle: brevissima