The Assault War – An Integral Ukrainian Perspective

Thomas Steininger in dialogue with Vytas Buciunas

Vytas Buciunas worked for many years as an integral development coach in Kyiv. When the Russian army started their invasion in February, the Co-Founder of U-Integral, his Ukraine-based consulting company, had to flee. With his Ukrainian wife and their children, he went to the country of his birth, Lithuania.

The war looks different when you know the history and the specific relationships between the Russians and the Ukrainian people, their differing relationship to authority, to freedom, to NATO and to the West. And this war looks different when you try to look at it from an integral developmental perspective.

Of course, no one has the last word right now on the atrocities that we are witnessing every day in this war. But listening to Vytas Buciunas can changed one’s understanding of this war. His voice is one of deep insight and reflection, embodying an integral understanding of history and the present moment.

Dr. Thomas Steininger speaks with Vytas Buciunas about an Integral Ukrainian perspective on a devastating war in the middle of Europe.

Quelle: The Assault War – An Integral Ukrainian Perspective – Evolve Magazin